Save yourself
We’re here to help you get settled in Korea.
Living in another country isn’t easy, and we’re here to help make your life a little bit better.
Contact us
Please fill out your inquiry carefully
Use this paragraph section to get your website visitors to know you. You’re about to take on a very important challenge in your life.
We’re here to help make your challenge a success.
The more honest and detailed you are about your current situation, the better we can help you solve your problem.
Don’t go it alone
our legal experts are here to help.
Dongjul has partnered with a Korean authorized administrator to help you with your settlement in Korea.
Visa issues
An administrator will resolve
your visa issues.
Cellular issues
Cell phone and cell network issues are a must, and we’re here to help.
Find a home
We’re here to help you with the real estate legal issues you face when looking for a home.